Craps - What you don't know can hurt you!
BettorsCraps.com is going to become your favorite stop on the Internet for craps information. We just know it because this site is entirely devoted to giving you only the best and most current information about craps. It's pretty hard to come by really good craps information on the 'net these days, and when you're looking to play some online craps, this is the site for you. Whether you're a rookie or a pro, or just interested in finding out more about how to play craps, and what this game is all about, we're sure you'll find it here at BettorsCraps.com. We've got a whole series of sites dedicated to gambling games information online, and you can find links to the other sites in the "Bettors" series at the top of this page.There are a few games at the casino that are really unique, and unlike any of the other games you can play. Roulette is one of them, and Craps is the other. Sure, you could say that Baccarat is different than Blackjack, but you're still playing both games with cards and a dealer, so there are similarities. Take a closer look at the game of craps, and you'd be hard pressed to find another game like it at the casinos (both online and land-based). There are also few games that generate such excitement for spectators at the club. Craps is about the only game where a crowd will gather just to watch. You have to admit; it wouldn't be much fun to watch a Blackjack game would it? Craps can and does regularly generate that kind of buzz at the casinos. Online craps is just as exciting, but you'd have to do without the crowds gathering to watch. So far, in the world of the Internet, that just isn't possible. But you never know what's around the corner, technology-wise, and online craps could turn out to generate that same spectator excitement on the Internet as well.
Craps is definitely different from the other casino games in that when you want to find the craps table, all you have to do is follow the sound of cheering, and look for the most crowded area in the casino. Online craps is at a disadvantage in this way, because how could you find an online craps table like that? Nevertheless, craps is really popular online just because of its reputation for excitement. This is a game where millionaires can be made or broken in a roll of the dice. If you're not an experienced player, it's so easy to make a bad bet, since the ones that LOOK like the best bets are made the most accessible and attractive on the table.
One of the things about craps that makes it so attractive is the fact that there's always something going on at the table. The action never stops, and you don't have to wait your turn to bet. Online craps is just the same in this regard. The action is fast-paced and fun. It's also interesting to note that many people that decide to become professional gamblers are craps players. Sometimes they started off playing online craps, but most grew to love it at the casinos.
So sit back and get relaxed, so you can really take the time to read all this site has to offer. We've tried to put all this information in terms of the real craps player, and we hope to give you every angle of the game that will be helpful to you. If you find, after reading through this site, that there's something lacking, or if you have a question about anything you read here, please don't hesitate to , so we can continue to make this site the best that it can be.